Sunday, November 22, 2015

Winter Formal is coming soon!

Cheese? Bread? The Eiffel Tower? A magical night in Paris awaits you SATURDAY 12/5 at the UCSD Price Center! Tickets are still on sale in the Finance office for $30 w/ an ASB card and $35 w/o. Come by between classes, or before and after school to purchase them. Guest passes are also available in the finance office, for those of you with a date
from another school!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Senior Pictures for the Yearbook

Seniors:  Have you scheduled your senior portraits yet? If you have not, we have good news. The deadline has been extended, but you must go online to make an appointment with our districts official photographer, Boyd Anderson Photography by January 5th. This is the ONLY way you will be placed in the senior section of the yearbook. The session is free with the option to purchase your portraits, but you must go to the studio. Important: these extended appointments will fill up quickly and the deadline cannot be postponed.

To make an appointment go to Just click on the Class of 2016 Logo. You can also call them at (619)444-1184 for more information.

Senior Pictures

Seniors: Have you scheduled your senior portraits yet? If you have not, we have good news. The deadline has been extended, but you must go online to make an appointment with our districts official photographer, Boyd Anderson Photography by January 5th. This is the ONLY way you will be placed in the senior section of the yearbook. The session is free with the option to purchase your portraits, but you must go to the studio. Important: these extended appointments will fill up quickly and the deadline cannot be postponed.

To make an appointment go to Just click on the Class of 2016 Logo. You can also call them at (619)444-1184 for more information.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Grossmont Human Relations Day

Grossmont's annual Human Relations Day is coming up on 12/8 and 12/9.  All Sophomores will attend either the Tuesday or Wednesday event.  More info to follow!

French Week is coming!!!

French Week 11/9 - 11/13
  • Monday: we will be putting up flags of French speaking countries, famous French sayings, and fun facts about anything French
  • Monday: picnic in the grass area in front of room 1406, handing out French adjective stickers
  • Tuesday: dress up like a famous French person
  • Thursday: students wear colors of French flag
  • Friday: soccer game (French students will form a team and play against another team made up of anyone who shows up to play.)

Monday, November 2, 2015

Grossmont Winter Formal

·         December 5th, 2015
·         7pm – 11pm
·         UCSD Price Center West
·         Semi – Formal or Formal Attire only please (no jeans, no shorts, no t-shirts)
·         Tickets will be on sale starting November 2nd.  $30 w/ ASB and $35 w/o ASB

·         $5 of EVERY ticket can be donated to a campus organization of the student’s choice.  Last year 500 students attended the dance.  That means $2500 will be donated to athletic teams, performing arts, clubs, etc

Canned Food Drive

·         Nov. 30th – December 17th
·         Grossmont has placed in the top 3 schools the past years in a county-wide canned food drive. 
·         We are so proud of the generosity of our students. 
·         We help out our Grossmont community first with canned food and then donate the remaining food to the San Diego Food Bank. 
·         We will once again be running a contest through 4th period classes!

Attention Seniors: GRAD NITE 2016 INFO

Grad Nite **SENIORS ONLY**
·         June 10th, 2016
·         Still working on details on when we are leaving (last year was a minimum day schedule)
·         Students will be on charter busses both ways
·         Event ends at 2am at Disneyland.  Return to GHS around 5am
·          Tickets on Sale from November 2nd – Novemeber 21st
·         Last year we sold out of tickets in the first 2 weeks.  Please plan accordingly as we have a limited amount of tickets
·         $140 w/ ASB and $155 w/o ASB (must be purchased in finance office – NO CHECKS please)
·         Any remaining tickets will go on sale 2nd semester at a higher price

·         If you already bought a Grad Nite ticket through SD Graduate supply at the Senior Faire you have a sport for Grad Nite


  • Awesome use of technology by Azita Mahmoudi for having her French students create a blog and write in French. Very authentic and creative. Well done! Way to put the “Prepared” in Pride for preparing our students for real life skills, making them “Life Ready!”  
  • Engaging lesson alert in Spanish. Senora Jacobs had a mercado happening in her room for students to practice real life situations. Once again, world languages putting the “Prepared” in Pride. Providing our students an opportunity to be “Life Ready!”
  • Carolyn Jungman saves the day! Carolyn has put the “Empathetic” in Pride. She tirelessly worked with the pride class students to create all those college posters and has been gracious enough to continue to help as we fix and add more posters. These will encourage our students to be “College Ready!”
  • Ms. J doing it big! Thursday Oct, 29 the dance show had so many talented GHS performers showing off their skills. Thank you Marta Jiacoletti for all you do with the dance program. You put the “Involved” in Pride!
  • Thank you to all the staff that dressed up on Halloween. You put the “Involved” in Pride. Your efforts made Grossmont a school where it is “Great to be Young and a Foothiller.”